The Brightspace Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that has one objective: to enable people and communities to live sustainably. This means helping people to enjoy economic prosperity and health and well-being in ways that won’t damage the environment or squander the earth’s resources. It therefore ensures that future generations will enjoy the same advantages that we do.
Although this is a global requirement, our focus is the county of Herefordshire where the Brightspace Foundation has been located since its formation in 2001. It was originally called the Bulmer Foundation, but the name was changed in 2016 to express the aspiration that living sustainably both enhances today and offers a bright tomorrow.
It is not just about what we do, but how we do things. It is part of our ethos that we work collaboratively, rather than competitively, and that the information we gather should be made publicly available as “open data”, so that others can benefit from our experience.
To achieve our vision we must be able to demonstrate what good practice means and monitor what is happening in order to assess whether the county is becoming more- or less- sustainable. This information is published as our “Sustainable Route Map.”
We work across Herefordshire and our projects touch all aspects of sustainable development, whether economic, social, or environmental, sometimes referred to as the “three pillars”. We have recently added cultural/spiritual to augment the social pillar.

The trustees bring a range of skills and experience to Brightspace, including representing it in strategic meetings. They deliver solutions by working with an extended team of dedicated and skilled people, both paid consultants and volunteers, and with partner organisations. The summaries of current and previous projects show the team members who helped deliver them.
It’s a team effort and we are grateful to those who share our vision.
If you share our passion or wish to sponsor our activities please get in touch - we are always willing to discuss new project ideas and collaborative approaches.
Brightspace is administered on a voluntary basis by Dr David Marshall.